Clean water.
The #1 Solution for Nematodes
Nematic is the best tool for Nematode Control in Hydroponic Soil-Less and Open Field Farming
The #1 Solution for
Effective Nematode Control
Plant-Parasite Nematode control consists of several elements:
Plant Management
Some description
Soil Management
Some description
Water Management
the essential vector in nematode proliferation
Although PPN’s are soil/root born their main means of distribution is through water flow. Filter Art’s Nematic process offers new nematode management tools for growers to prevent the spread of harmful nematodes
Plant Parasite Nematodes – PPN Control
Using NEMATIC units for Nematode control ensures that nematodes will be separated from the water and threats will be removed from the system. That way, recycled water becomes nematode free and plant viability, crop yield and product quality increases.
Thanks to the fact that NEMATIC is chemical-free it suits both organic and traditional growers who wish to make sure that their water is nematode-free as part of their nematode control program.
NEMATIC units remove the infectious stages of the nematodes- J2 and cysts- from irrigation water. As a result, the nematode proliferation and breeding cycle is interrupted and consequently, their population decreases drastically.
Economic Nematode
Nematic offers a way to control Nematodes that is significantly cheaper than expensive filtration systems and the cheaper but imprecise nematicide methods that require constant re-application.
Effective Nematode Control
NEMATIC is based on physically separating the unwanted nematodes from the water. The NEMATIC unit is equipped with specialized screens that are designed to stop nematodes.
Maintenance is easy thanks to a self-cleaning mechanism, which cleans the screen surface once the cleaning cycle is triggered.
Since water is a valuable resource, the unit is designed to generate less than 3% of water wastage during cleaning process.
The flushed water can be treated and returned to the process so that the system’s water usage efficiency increases.
The NEMATIC unit is customized to handle a wide range of water qualities suitable for any water source and characteristics with high efficiency and water recovery. Each unit can handle from 5 to 1000 m3/h.
NEMATIC can be installed on a recycled water stream or a main line to supply nematode free irrigation which stops nematode contamination at the source.
About Us
Filter Art is a water management solutions provider established in 2013. Our focus is on developing, manufacturing and introducing innovative water treatment solutions based on self-cleaning filters and physical separation technology in focused applications ranging from greenhouse and soil-less agriculture to industrial and petrochemical water treatment processes. Each water treatment solution is customized for the customer’s specific application in order to offer clear value to their bottom line.